7 Best Essential Oils Which Mosquitoes Really Hate

As the summer season draws near, the continuous buzzing sound of mosquitoes can quickly add an unwelcome soundtrack to our outdoor adventures or indoor rest. These minuscule, blood-sucking creatures not only leave us with incessantly itchy bites but also pose a significant threat by being the carrier of many diseases. Traditional mosquito repellents and sprays have long been the go-to solutions but they come with their own hazards.

So it is important to explore the delightful alternative which is rooted in nature: essential oils. These natural mosquito repellents not only ward off these pesky insects but also add an aromatic allure that transforms our experiences. In this informative article, we will delve into the realm of the 7 best essential oils, answering the important question: what essential oils do mosquitoes hate? Armed with this knowledge, you can reclaim your bliss, bidding farewell to the bothersome presence of these buzzing invaders and welcoming a summer free from their incessant nuisance.

Here are the 7 Best Essential Oils Which Mosquitoes Really Hate:

1. Citronella Oil

Citronella oil is one of the most popular essential oils to repel mosquitoes. It has a fresh, lemony scent which is pleasant for the humans but repulsive for the mosquitoes. Derived from the leaves and stems of the citronella grass, this essential oil acts as a natural mosquito repellent which works by masking the scents that attract the mosquitoes. You can apply citronella oil directly to your skin, however, it is recommended to dilute it with a nice carrier oil such as coconut oil.

2. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is associated with two features - invigorating scent and cooling properties. It is popular for providing relief from headaches & muscle tension, along with being one of the most effective natural insect repellents. The powerful aroma of peppermint oil masks the chemical signals that attract mosquitoes, wavering them in locating their target. To use this natural essential oil, dilute its few drops with water & use it as a spray or apply it to exposed skin.

3. Eucalyptus Oil

Derived from the leaves of eucalyptus trees, eucalyptus oil is a potent and eco-friendly mosquito repellent. It contains citronellal and citronellol, which are highly displeasing to mosquitoes. Known to have a refreshing scent, this essential oil also has a cooling effect, making it an excellent choice for hot summer days. It is one of the best essential oils to repel mosquitoes. To use eucalyptus oil, mix it with a carrier oil & apply it to your skin. Else, you can make a homemade spray as well to ward off mosquitoes.

4. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is among the top plant-based mosquito repellents, having calming and soothing properties. Its delightful floral scent not only relaxes humans but also keeps mosquitoes away. The lavender oil contains linalool and linalyl acetate, compounds that are offensive to mosquitoes. Additionally, it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable for soothing mosquito bites. It is recommended to apply diluted lavender oil directly to your skin. Else, you can put a few drops on a cotton ball and keep it nearby to deter the presence of mosquitoes.

5. Lemongrass Oil

Similar to citronella oil, lemongrass oil is extracted from a grass variety, known as Cymbopogon citratus. It possesses a strong citrus scent that mosquitoes find highly unappealing. Lemongrass oil contains citral and geraniol, which are natural mosquito repellents. Dilute lemongrass oil with carrier oil and apply it to your skin or create a room spray to keep mosquitoes at bay.

6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is among the best answers to the question - What essential oils do mosquitoes hate? The tea tree oil is renowned for its antibacterial & antifungal properties. Surprisingly, it is also an effective mosquito repellent. The potent scent of tea tree oil overwhelms the mosquito's senses, making it difficult for them to approach. Before applying tea tree oil to the skin, it is important to dilute the oil to prevent irritation.

7. Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood oil is derived from the wood of cedar trees and possesses a woody and earthy scent. Termed a botanical/organic essential oil, it contains cedrol and thujone, the compounds which act as natural insect repellents. The powerful aroma of cedarwood oil repels mosquitoes and other insects effectively. To use cedarwood oil, mix it with carrier oil and then apply it to your skin. Else, you can use it in diffusers to create a mosquito-free zone.


When it comes to keeping mosquitoes at bay, then, essential oils offer a natural and aromatic solution. The seven essential oils to repel mosquitoes are discussed in this article—citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, tea tree, and cedarwood. Using these natural mosquito repellents, you can create a barrier that repels mosquitoes and ensures they seek less prepared targets. Each essential oil offers a unique scent profile that repulses mosquitoes while providing delightful aromas.

Now that you know what essential oils do mosquitoes hate, you can use these in your daily routine and enjoy the great outdoors and indoors without worrying about mosquito bites and the associated health risks.

Author Bio: Organic Aroma Oils is a highly experienced, certified and trusted manufacturer of high quality 100% pure essential oils, attar, carrier oils, absolute oils, aromatherapy oils, and more.

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