Quality Control

Our Quality Control Policy:

Our essential oils are supplied to local and overseas clients solely after quality assessment in our laboratory to fulfill their prerequisite of quality items since we are committed to customer satisfaction. 

  • We utilize just project workers whom we perceive well and have stayed in/examined and who are generally known to be predictable.

  • The MSDS data library provides all MSDS information.

  • Every basic material is stringently checked. 

The exact imperatives for QC assessments will contrast from one item to another based on the information and safety held on a predetermined item or supplier. However, assessments are carried out consistently, comprising compliance with the results to accomplish positive issues of the products. 

  • Organoleptic assessment

  • Optical rotation (OP)

  • Refractive index (RI)

  • Flash Point (FP)

  • Visual evaluation

  • Specific gravity (SG)

  • Solubility (usually in ethanol)

  • Other product specific tests 


With an enduring commitment to offering quality essential oils, we distinctly accept quality declaration is of most extreme standing. We pursue perfectly carrying out our tasks to surpass the most current industry guidelines. The testament to our focus on Quality Control is our International Organization of Standardization (ISO 9001:2015 certificate). We have received several certificates in the years we have served, which acknowledge our efforts to provide pure and safe essential oils to our clients. A professional team abides by a customer satisfaction approach and supplies only quality products, which is the reason that we have received several certificates, such as ISO 9001-2015, EOAI, etc.