Essential Oils FAQ:-

Q. What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils, also called aromatherapy oils, are the natural extract and fragrant releasing essence of a plant. Highly concentrated liquid in nature, these are extensively used in aromatherapy due to their rich healing properties.

Q. What is Aromatherapy?
The practice of using natural oils that are obtained from bark, stems, flowers, leaves, roots and many other parts of a for enhancing the overall psychological and physical health of a person, is called aromatherapy.

Q. Can we directly use essential oils on skin?
Essential oils are not recommended to be used on skin as they are in highly concentrated form and can burn the skin, they are suggested to avoid direct use on skin because from skin they can through into the bloodstream. You should always use essential oils by mixing them with a carrier oil or base, by which decreases the chances of getting skin irritation to a great extent.

Q. Can pregnant women use essential oils, is it safe?
Yes you can use essential oil but with caution. But, avoid its use during the first trimester and start with light use (no more than 1% dilution). Oils that are made from jasmine, mandarin, geranium, grapefruit, tangerine, neroli and ylang ylang are recommended the most as they are considered safe to be used during pregnancy.

Q. How to apply essential oils in the best manner?
For getting the best results and healing benefits of essential oils or aromatherapy, it is recommended to be used after diluting in water or with massage lotion/ carrier oil.

Q. Essential Oils Organic that we offer are organic or not?
Most of the essential oils are organic in nature but not all of them are. As a company, we work sincerely and offer a specific line of certified organic oils that are extracted from organically grown plants. These are served after being properly labeled and because of this reason our range is consistently growing its demands in the market. Further, if you are looking for organic oil that come with the guarantee, we suggest you to buy from our range of certified organic oils.

Q. Are our Essential Oils safe to be used internally?
Essential oils are concentrated in form and hence can cause serious damage if used internally or without having expertise of administering them. Although, we have our some customers who use essential oils for internal purpose but we still recommend that this should be done only under the direction a professional, who holds knowledge about internal use of essential oils and chemical properties of these, still the use is not recommended on daily basis.

Q. Are Our Essential Oils Redistilled (1st, 2nd, 3rd distillation)?
Generally, essential are not redistilled as there is no need of the same. This happens only at that time when there is a need of removing some minor constituents from the oil, to be used in the food flavoring industry. This distillation also takes place when there is a need to remove toxic substances such as hydrocyanic acid (cyanide) from bitter almond oil. Whereas, oil which is made up of cyanide is toxic, hence it needs to be redistilled.

Such distillation takes place by firstly distilling the plant and then distilling oil to remove minor constituents. There is just one oil on which we regularly conduct fractionally distillation process and it is Bergamot, which is a highly phototoxic essential oil. The basic Plant Therapy of Bergamot is called as bergapten free, hence it carries chemical constituent that makes Bergamot highly phototoxic and this needs to be removed so as to make it safe to be used.

Q. How should I use Essential oils?
Topically – If you want to use them Topically then directly apply them on your skin, either by diluted in a carrier oil or as it is.
Internally – If you want to Internally use essential oil, then there are certain high-quality essential oils available in the market for you.
Aromatically – If you want to use essential oil for Aromatic purpose then either put a few drops of it in the air diffuser or directly diffuse it in the air.

Q. Are essential oils safe to be used?
Most of the essential oils are not. However, there are some companies that are preparing essential oil for internal consumption use, always check label of the packs before using them for consumption purpose.

Q. Should I take some precautions while using essential oils?
As essential oils are a natural remedy, they have very potent nature, hence recommended to be used after taking precautions, such as:

  • Ensure to keep them away from your eyes, if came in contact, wash your eyes immediately.
  • Use only high-quality and pure oils.
  • If you are in confusion about direct or diluted usage, always dilute them.
  • Never ignore the signals that your body gives, if you are getting any allergies or problem, stop using it.

Q. Do I always needs to do a skin test before topically using essential oils?
Whenever you feel itching or irritation on the skin after applying oil, stop using it. Else, if you have used essential oil in neat form, dilute it and then reapply it.

Q. Why Some Essential Oils are considered to be unsafe for use on or around children?
Children are highly susceptible to toxic substances, their skin is thinner & metabolism is less effective as compared to an adult, they are on more risk of respiratory issues and toxicity concerns, hence essential oils are not recommended to be used on children.

Q. When using topically, do I need to dilute Essential oils?
It is recommended to not use any essential oils on your skin without diluting it. However, there are some oils like of lavender, chamomile and rose that are considered safe to be used on unbroken skin but diluting them is still suggested. Moreover, essential oils are volatile in nature but when they are diluted, the evaporation process takes relatively slower time. Dilution of essential oils with carrier oil also gives benefits as they more easily reached to the skin and are required in less quantity.

Q. What is the approx. expiry period of essential oils?
Most of the essential oils carry a shelf life of upto 3 years, if well-stored, tightly sealed and kept in the right cold conditions. However, there are some oils such as patcholi that carry a shelf life of around 10 years or more.

Q. From where does do essential oils come from?
Essential oils come from several parts of the plants. They are distilled from the leaves, bark, flower, roots and several other parts of the plant usually by using steam or water in the process. Essential oils are concentrated in form and they carry excellent aromatic and chemical properties of the same origin plant.

Q. Essential oils and fragrance oils are the same thing?
No, they are totally different because essential oils are distilled from plants, whereas fragrance oils are synthetically processed in the labs.

Q. How to select the blend which is right for me?
It is always recommended to choose blends after knowing their properties and how they can benefit you. If you are confused between two and liking both of the blends, buy both of them and go ahead! There are some blends that when merged don't make any (For example, Focus and Sleep), but the truth is that most of them well layer with each other, like paints on a canvas and a few shades of lipsticks on lips.

Q. Why high stress is given on the quality of essential oils?
To avail benefits in aromatherapy, it is highly important to use finest quality pure essential oils. Cheaper and low quality essential oils generally give unpredictable results that will make you feel that you have wasted your money on investing them. In brief, if you haven't got the benefits, rather suffered with allergic reactions, it may be result of adulterated cheap quality oils.

Q. How to know the difference between an essential oil and aromatherapy oil?
Aromatherapy oil are prepared from essential oil, they consists of 2% dilution and 98% essential oil. Essential oils give better value for money, you can dilute them yourself to make oil that can be used for massage in aromatherapy.

Q. How should I Store Essential Oils?
It is recommended to never store essential oils in containers that are made up of plastic because if the oil is in undiluted form, plastic can can eat it. Even after being diluted for personal care and household cleaning purpose, they are suggested best to be stored in a glass bottle. Never keep undiluted oils in wood finishing containers as well.

Q. Are Essential Oils Different from Carrier Oils?
Yes, essential oils are different from carrier oils. Carrier oils are made from nuts, seeds and some vegetables. Carrier oils are also called base oil.

Q. Do Oils provided by You are harmless?
Yes, all of our oils and products are harmless, as we do not use harmful chemicals like hexane and other chemicals, apart from this we do not hydrogenate any of our oils.

Q. What are Some Popular Essential Oils?
Though all essential oils are important and have their own unique benefits, still lavender, lemon, peppermint, and tea tree are some of the popular oils.

Q. Does India Aroma Oils provide all essential oils globally?
Yes we, India Aroma Oils provide our all oils and products worldwide.

Q. Do you also provide oils in bulk apart from retail?
Yes we sell all of our oils in small quantities as well as in large bulk quantities as per the customers' needs worldwide.