4 Best Essential Oils to Relieve Itchy Skin Naturally

Best Essential Oils for Itching Skin

Itch, an unavoidable sensation of irritation on skin which creates an urge or desire or reflex in an individual to scratch, is the result of allergies, insect bites, dandruff, dryness, rashes, exposure to toxic environment and various more causes. It generally leads to unbearable discomfort or distraction and, scratching it continuously only magnifies its effect; mostly leaving behind a much irritative break open on that portion of skin. In this post one can know what essential oils are good for itchy skin.

Unlike the ineffective heavy medical creams, Essential Oils are known to have therapeutic properties that provides relieve on itchy skin when applied correctly. These oils have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and other specific properties that make them safe & effective. The top 4 best essential oil for itchy skin are discussed below:

Tea Tree Essential Oil: It has some of the most potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties among all the essential oils. This oil comes in many strengths. They are generally available in shampoo products which further helps in providing relief from itchiness and dryness associated with head lice. Also, studies have shown that tea tree oil is most effective for drying up problems caused by bacteria.

Chamomile Essential Oil: This oil is distinctly scented, relaxing and calming to skin. When used topically, it reduces itchiness occurred due to eczema, diaper rash, haemorrhoids and dry skin. Chamomile oil should be applied after simple dilution either with carrier oil or by adding it to shampoo or liquid body wash. It also promotes feeling of calmness and comfortable sleepiness.

Lavender Essential Oil: From the quintessential plant, Lavender oil is extracted. It has analgesic, antifungal and pain-relieving properties which makes it a standout product for relieving irritation from an inflamed skin. It is highly helpful in conditions like athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm. Its soft-soothing scent also makes it a perfect all-over moisturizer for dry skin.

Patchouli Essential Oil: The oil extracted from Patchouli shares many similarities in properties with tea tree oil. But, it does not have the similar group of molecules that make it highly astringent which helps in delivering relief without leaving any dryness; thus, making it the best product for parched winter skin. Patchouli oil has antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiseptic and many other properties that prevents from irritation and infections. It should be applied after certain amount of dilution.

Author Bio: Organic Aroma Oils is a highly experienced, certified and trusted manufacturer of high quality 100% pure essential oils, attar, carrier oils, absolute oils, aromatherapy oils, and more.

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